Zaragoza (España), del 9 al 13 de julio de 2007.
Este Congreso está organizado por iniciativa de la "Real Sociedad Matemática Española", la "Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada" y la "Société Mathématique de France", y su objetivo es el de fomentar la colaboración de matemáticos franceses y españoles, y también del resto del mundo.
(Para descargar el Boletín Especial de la RSME sobre el Congreso, pincha aquí)
Alberto Elduque
Presidente del Comité Organizador
Alberto Elduque (Presidente), Enrique Artal, Jesús Bastero, Antonio Elipe, María Cruz López de Silanes, Conchita Martínez, Pedro Miana, Luis Rández.
María Teresa Lozano (Presidente), Vicent Caselles, Tomás Chacón, Miguel Escobedo, Étienne Ghys, François Golse, Monique Lejeune-Jalabert, Ignacio Luengo, Marta Sanz-Solé, Francisco-Javier Sayas, Juan Soler, Wendelin Werner.
Conferenciantes Plenarios:
Enrique Artal, Yves Benoist, Xavier Cabré, Michel Ledoux, François Loeser, Consuelo Martínez, Carlos Parés, Benoît Perthame, Olivier Pironneau, Ana Vargas.
Special Sessions:
July 9 and 10
Recent Geometric Techniques in Mechanics and Applications(timetable)
Group Theory and Representations(timetable)
Numerical Analysis to find zeros of nonlinear equations(timetable)
Propagation and transport phenomena: theory and numerics(timetable)
Real Algebraic and Analytic Geometry(timetable)
Lie algebras and their applications in Geometry(timetable)
D-modules et Singularités(timetable)
Recent advances in complex analysis and operator theory(timetable)
Singularities of differential equations(timetable)
Some current trends in research on History of Mathematics in France and Spain(timetable)
July 12 and 13
Lie and Jordan algebras(timetable)
Functional Analysis: new trends and applications(timetable)
Lévy processes and their applications(timetable)
Foliations and dynamical systems(timetable)
Hypercyclic and chaotic operators(timetable)
Singularities: algebraic and topological aspects(timetable)
Interactions of Group Theory with Geometry and Topology(timetable)
Integrable systems
Constructive mathematics and symbolic computation(timetable)
Lunes 9 | |
11:00-12:00: | Acto de Apertura. |
12:30-13:30: | Conferencia Plenaria
Topology of complex algebraic varieties
Enrique Artal. |
15:30-18:30: | Sesiones Especiales. Sesiones de Pósters. |
Martes 10 | |
9:00-10:00: |
Conferencia "José Luis Rubio de Francia":
Pseudo-localization of Singular Integrals and Noncommutative
Calderón-Zygmund Theory |
10:15-11:15: | Conferencia Plenaria:
Reaction-diffusion elliptic equations and minimal surfaces
Xavier Cabré |
11:30-13:30: | Sesiones Especiales. |
15:30-18:30: | Sesiones Especiales. Sesiones de Pósters. |
18:40-21:00: | Mesa redonda: La profesión de Matemático. |
Miércoles 11 | |
9:00-10:00: | Conferencia Plenaria.
Numerical challenges in mathematical finance
Olivier Pironneau |
10:15-11-15: | Conferencia Plenaria.
Numerical simulation of geophysical flows by means of shallow water models
Carlos Parés |
12:00-13:00: | Conferencia Plenaria.
From counting points to motivic integration: the geometry behind computing integrals
François Loeser |
15:30-17:30: |
Mesa redonda: "The European Research Council"
17:30-20:00: | Visita a Zaragoza. |
Jueves 12 | |
9:00-10:00: | Conferencia Plenaria.
Algebras versus Superalgebras
Consuelo Martínez |
10:15-11-15: | Conferencia Plenaria.
Measure concentration, functional inequalities and curvature of metric measure spaces
Michel Ledoux |
11:30-13:30: | Sesiones Especiales. |
15:30-16:30: | Conferencia plenaria:
Darwinian evolution and concentrations in parabolic PDEs
Benoit Perthame |
16:45-19:45: | Sesiones Especiales. Sesiones de Pósters. |
Viernes 13 | |
9:00-10:00: | Conferencia Plenaria.
Restriction theorems and applications to dispersive equations
Ana Vargas |
10:15-11:15: | Conferencia Plenaria.
Counting S-integral points on symmetric varieties
Yves Benoist |
11:30-13:30: | Sesiones Especiales. |
15:30-16:30: | Sesiones Especiales. |
17:00-18:00: | Acto de Clausura. |
Tags: Congreso, hispano-francés, RSME, SEMA, SMF